It is a pleasure to write my first Letter from Westminster as the MP for Aylesbury, writes Laura-Kyrke-Smith.

I’m grateful to everyone who voted for me. For anyone who didn’t, I respect that, and I am determined to serve you as best I can. My first few months as your MP have been busy. 

I was honoured to give my maiden speech, in which I talked about the history and the diverse communities of our wonderful constituency, and my priorities as your MP. I touched on improving healthcare, improving education opportunities, the much-needed revival of Aylesbury town centre, and supporting small businesses. I also talked about the international work that I did prior to the election, and my determination to remain a strong voice for people in crisis globally. 

I have since asked several questions in the Commons. I have asked the Leader of the House for a Parliamentary debate on our future housebuilding plans, to ensure that housebuilding is accompanied by the necessary infrastructure and services.

In the constituency, I’ve had some great introductory meetings including with Buckinghamshire Council, Buckinghamshire Business First, and brilliant charities like Aylesbury Women’s Aid. I look forward to working with the many great businesses, charities and other organisations in our constituency, as well as Bucks Council, Aylesbury Town Council and parish councils to deliver the changes that we need to see. 

The Government will be cracking on with a packed legislative agenda this Autumn. I have already voted to bring rail operators gradually into public ownership and met with the Transport Secretary to raise the need for the Aylesbury rail link to Milton Keynes, the challenges with our bus services and the state of our roads. 

I have also been appointed to the role of Labour’s National Health Mission Delivery Champion, which will involve working with Ministers to deliver on the Government’s mission to build an NHS fit for the future.  

I am committed to being an active, visible and responsive constituency MP across the Aylesbury constituency. The best way to reach me is on I am also launching an E-newsletter to update residents on my work. You can sign up for the mailing list via my website, I look forward to serving you.