Dear Editor,

I had to laugh at the attack of Eric Gadsden, chairman of the property developers hoping to exploit the Green Belt at Broad Lane, Holtspur, on MP Joy Morrissey (Bucks Free Press, Friday, August 23 2024).

His concern for rough sleepers is touching, such that I’m sure he will be throwing open his Bucks mansion to receive these poor souls he is so concerned about.

The site in question besides being Green Belt, preventing urban sprawl and ensuring non-coalescence of built developments, is a buffer to the town of Beaconsfield from the noise and pollution of the M40 motorway.

As an experienced property developer Mr Gadsden perhaps gambles it is worth a long odds punt to get this land on the cheap and enjoy the greater rewards of house prices in this neck of the woods, thankfully our MP is on the case.

Patrick Hogan, Beaconsfield