As your Member of Parliament, I have always prioritised standing alongside residents, ensuring your voice is heard loud and clear in Westminster. Whether it's about protecting our precious Green Belt or fighting for our local schools, I am committed to championing the issues that matter most to you.

This month, I wrote to the Planning Inspectorate to express my strong opposition to the Broad Lane Development. It was fitting that the application to build on this site was refused, and I have urged the Inspectorate to uphold that decision. The proposed development in Holtspur threatens our Green Belt and lacks the necessary infrastructure to support it. With Holtspur's water supply already under strain, further development would only worsen these issues. I will continue to stand with Holtspur residents to protect our Green Belt from unnecessary development.

Education is another critical issue I have been addressing. Recently, I wrote to the Secretary of State for Education regarding the need for a secondary school in Burnham. The lack of a local secondary school forces many families to send their children to schools much further afield, incurring significant transport costs. This is an added financial burden that many parents simply cannot afford. I have asked the Secretary of State to meet with me to urgently discuss this issue so parents in Burnham can access affordable and accessible education options for their children.

I will continue to support our local independent schools, which is why, in a letter to the Chancellor, I strongly opposed the proposed VAT on independent schools. This dangerous policy, if implemented, would severely limit parental choice and affect families of children with Special Educational Needs. It risks turning independent schools into an option only available for the affluent. I will fight against this unfair policy to ensure parents can choose the best educational environment for their children.

I also want to congratulate Burnham and Marlow for their recent successes. Both communities have been recognised with 'Best Kept' awards this month, a testament to the care and effort that their communities take in maintaining the beauty of their village and town. It was a pleasure to visit Marlow recently, where I enjoyed a wonderful lunch at Strawberry Grove. The team there is fantastic, and it's just one of the many thriving local businesses that make our high streets so special.

In Parliament, I've been active both on the backbenches and as Shadow Energy Minister. On the backbenches, I've been a vocal advocate for protecting our Green Belt, ensuring that residents' voices are heard loud and clear. As Shadow Energy Minister, I've held the Government accountable for its reckless North Sea policy, which risks thousands of jobs and threatens to send energy bills soaring. Our energy policy must not only tackle environmental concerns but also safeguard jobs, keep bills low, and ensure our food and energy security.

I will continue to fight for your interests, protect our environment, and ensure that local voices are heard in Parliament and beyond. As always, if I can help you with any issue, please do not hesitate to contact me at or 01494 977 505.

Joy Morrissey MP