DEAR Editor,

Regarding your article on July 19 relating to the flooding in Moor Road, can we have from Buckinghamshire Council meaningful action and less spin.

For several months part of Moor Road has had water overflowing with nothing done but simply a small flood sign near the railway bridge. Contrary to what the Council tells us, it is not unusual to get heavy downpours of rain in the summer months as well as heavy amounts of rain in the winter.

So don’t insult our intelligence by simply stating that you are very much aware of flooding issues in this location and that you placed emergency signage at the site. I travelled through the flooding at various times on the Saturday following the overnight rain and there was no emergency signage.

The heavy flooding started more than 200 meters before the small flood sign - many cars had to make a u turn and go back in the wrong direction in part of the one way system. After several months of inaction Bucks Council have “revealed “ that they have teamed up with the Environment Agency and Chesham Town Council to try and thwart any flooding issues impacting on Chesham. Don’t hold your breath!!

Stephen Wildman,

Chessmount Rise, Chesham