A letter from one of our readers in response to a defence of Marlow Film Studios by a Hurley resident last week.

Dear Editor,

From a nimby to the gentleman cocooned nicely in Hurley, I have a vested interest (in Marlow Film Studios), due to the fact that my grandson is about to join the acting world.

But I still think this development is in the wrong place. Has he really looked at the actual plans rather than the lovely picture the developers keep producing?

In real terms, the studio would be enormous black hangers. Please take a look at the Shinfield Development. I rather think he would join our Nimby group if they had put in planning to build the studio on the Grassland Research site.

Still, don’t worry Dido will appeal – they have millions to spend on their publicity.

Yours sincerely,

Audrey Platt,
