Mr Evison is a P.E., science and L4L teacher who has introduced an exciting new scheme called The Outstanding Achievement Awards. It has taken the school by storm. He takes two students from each year in KS3 and KS4.


I am going to be interviewing him about this.

Why did you start this?

“To reward pupils for all their hard work they do. We want pupils to know their positive actions, behaviour and work is noticed and appreciated.”

How was your first trip for this scheme?

“Fantastic! We went to Hollywood bowl in the VIP section. We had over an hour of bowling, followed by a nice meal.”

How do you pick your students?

“Every member of staff nominates a pupil of their choice. They have to meet a certain criteria to get the reward.”

What do you get out of it?

“A great deal of pride and satisfaction. It’s great to see excitement from pupils when receiving reward. I enjoy the build-up and also presenting the awards each half term. We’ve had some really nice feedback from parents which is nice.”

Why is this important?

“We see fantastic examples of hard work, positive role models and positive behaviours on a daily basis. It’s really important that these actions are noticed and celebrated.”

Pupils would be picked by getting nominated by teachers. They would get nominated on how they behave in lesson by being a positive role model to others. They have to meet a certain criteria to be able to get nominated by teachers. This is a positive way of showing how to be a good role model for others because they would want to get the reward and they can also learn a few things.