I have no idea if it’s yet been made official but Wycombe Hospital “is” closing down.
There will be only x2 wards left.


Then the plans (if they haven’t already) will be started for a new super hospital as we’ve been reading about in the local press somewhere miles away near the M4.The staff at Wycombe have been given their marching orders and I suspect also have a gagging order to make sure that they don’t tell anyone about the closure.


But I am telling you.


I understand that the building was built in the 1960’s but I also know that a bunch of greedy Cllrs would be very glad to sell off the land to the highest bidder for a mix of retail and housing developments.


A town the size of High Wycombe will no longer have its own hospital and we’ve all experienced over the past few years the slow closure of different units and wards and now we will be left with only two.


My son was one of the last children to be born at Wycombe before they moved the operating theatres  to Stoke Mandeville.

I feel very sad that greed & incompetence have been allowed to flow over democracy and the needs of the taxpayers/voters.


It doesn’t matter what we say, how many petitions we sign or protests that we make,  it is set in stone and at each step of the way we have had either smarmy politicians tell us that everything is going to be fine or that they are trying hard to stop the closure – but this is a bunch of lies.


It would seem that the only hope is that the newly appointed Heath Secretary Jeremy Hunt fights a better game for our corner than the previous Secretary Mr Andrew Lansley.


I would encourage you to write to our MP Steve Baker to help us or any other candidate standing in the next General Election for High Wycombe.


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