AN attempt to resurface a Wycombe street has resulted in chaos and confusion, after contractors laid asphalt around cars that were left parked in the road.

Oakridge Road has been left with a two-tone look - black where the new road surface has been laid and pale grey in areas the workmen could not reach.

Resident Bernon Brown, 69, a garage proprietor, said: "They've left bare patches on the road, it's unbelievable. It's us who will have to pay for it."

Officials from Transport for Buckinghamshire explained that the work had been delayed but that letters had been sent to residents asking them to move their vehicles while resurfacing took place.

Resident Rosie Archer, 29, a teacher, said: “The workmen were here fairly early and they did the best they could, knocking on everyone’s door trying to get people to move their vehicles.”

Transport for Buckinghamshire has confirmed it will be returning to complete the work.

Dan Green, spokesman for Transport for Buckinghamshire, said: "Several cars were not moved on Oakridge Road whilst surfacing took place.

"The site foreman made efforts to move the cars, however the police and parking wardens were unable to help. Transport for Buckinghamshire have no powers to move parked vehicles in that area.”

Residents have reported parking problems in the road, as double yellow lines need to be replaced where the asphalting took place. They fear non-residents have been parking down the road, making it hard for homeowners to find nearby spaces.