A FORMER village clerk will be sent for trial for ten counts of fraud, following a not guilty plea.

Lynne Turner, 50, of Tancred Road, High Wycombe appeared at High Wycombe Magistrates Court today for a committal hearing.

She had previously pleaded not guilty at the end of June to ten counts of fraud, which amounted to about £28,000 between August 2010 and May 2011, relating to her time as clerk at Hughenden Parish Council.

An 11th charge was added which was: "Between August 1, 2010 to May 31, 2011 dishonestly, with the view to gain for herself, falsified a record made or required for an accounting purpose, namely a cheque book, by falsely filling in cheque book stubs to conceal cash transfers into her personal account."

A plea to this will be made at the trial, which starts on September 10 at Oxford Crown Court at 10am.

She has been released on unconditional bail.