MP Steve Baker says radical plans to build a ‘super hospital’ near Wycombe are nothing more than speculation at the moment – though he wants to hear more about the idea.

His Conservative colleague Dr Phillip Lee has produced a detailed report which makes the argument for a new hospital to serve the Thames Valley region (see related links).

The Bracknell MP says the ideal location would be Junction 8/9 of the M4 motorway - about 20 minutes drive from High Wycombe along the A404 dual-carriageway.

Dr Lee accepts the plan would be hugely controversial, as parts of existing hospital sites such as Wycombe and Wexham Park would have to close, but says there would be huge benefits for patients.

Mr Baker, MP for Wycombe, told the BFP: “Of course I would prefer that such a hospital were built in Wycombe....

“But it is much too early to make any judgment on a proposal which my parliamentary colleague has floated as an individual MP, and for which there is no immediate prospect of resources.

“I look forward to learning more about his ideas, their implications and how local health leaders respond to them. People certainly should not believe that this represents anything more than speculation at this time.”

Dr Lee says his plans for a ‘Royal Thames Valley Hospital’ are “very realistic” – pointing out that consultancy firm Deloitte published a report in the 1980s which made similar proposals.

Wycombe Hospital campaigners Terry Price and John Barlow have already backed Dr Lee, and a meeting has been arranged in Marlow for the plans to be discussed next month.

Dr Lee and Mr Baker are both set to attend the meeting at Great Marlow School – which will start at 7pm on Friday, September 7.