It’s so hard to believe that the Olympic Games are now over.

When I began my journey over 2 years ago, I could only have imagined how much of an impact these games would have on my life. But nothing and I really mean nothing could have prepared me for this rollercoaster ride of feelings and emotions that lay ahead.

We commenced our shifts as acquaintances working in a polyclinic, but left the Games as friends, many of whom I know I will stay in touch with.

My ‘high’ of the Olympics was visiting the Athletes Village at The Olympic Park and then going to watch the ‘Opening Ceremony’ rehearsal later that day. I was lucky enough to share that day with a fellow Games Maker from our polyclinic and we both felt unbelievably overwhelmed by the experience. Walking in the Village surrounded by world class athletes and then to feel the energy and exuberance first hand of the opening ceremony was just sensational. In our lives we have moments that move us with such magnitude that we store them safe in our memory bank. After getting married and having my children that would truly rate as being one of the best days of my life!

My ‘low’ would have to be the end of the Games. After such a long journey it was hard to accept that it was now over.

Yesterday the Games Makers for my site were invited to a ‘thank you’ buffet, presentation and auction. The ‘Village Manager’ thanked us all for the part we played in making these Games one of the most successful ever. The athletes had nothing but praise for the Games Makers and our village.

The polyclinic staff was commended for not only looking after the athletes but also caring for the workforce and army too. Each Games Maker was a linchpin for the success of the Games.

Mark Stuart our Pharmacy clinical lead sent us a ‘thank you’ email stating: ‘For the members of the Pharmacy Planning Committee, it has been such a pleasure to see the hard work of the past three to four years come together so successfully. This was undoubtedly facilitated by the enthusiasm and dedication that was exhibited by our unbelievable team of Pharmacy Games Makers. The care and attention that you applied to your work and the way in which you interacted with those visiting the polyclinic pharmacies was exemplary.

I think we can all be proud of the part we have played in the success of these Games and in the enthusiastic way in which the country has expressed its appreciation not only of the sporting events but also the significant part played by the Games Makers. It was great to hear the praise expressed by Seb Coe and Jacques Rogge at the Closing Ceremony last night for all the hard work commitment and friendliness shown by the Games volunteers.’ We were also rewarded with a certificate signed by Sebastian Coe and a Games Maker Baton. These will certainly take pride of place on my mantelpiece alongside those wonderful memories of the Games that are permanently etched in my mind!

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