I was overjoyed on receiving notification that we had successfully bought tickets to the Athletics Final, as it was a much anticipated race.

The previous day nicknamed ‘Super Saturday’ had already produced a record six gold medals for Great Britain. How was Sunday going to compare?

I had arranged to collect my Paralympic uniform from UDAC on route to the Olympic park as it was close by. Once again the friendliness of the staff and efficiency of the queues made it a perfect start to our Olympic day experience.

On arriving at the park we were whisked through security and directed to our venue by yet more proficient and cordial staff. After taking our seats we were duly rewarded by the sight of ‘Mo Farrah’ receiving his gold medal for the 5000m race. Screams of delight echoed throughout the stadium.

When Usain Bolt won the 100m race, everyone jumped to their feet. The energy in the stadium was like none other that I had experienced. As he looked up to the crowds, a wave of cheer followed him around the stadium.

The atmosphere in the stadium was buzzing. Wherever I looked there were beaming smiles from all nationalities, resonating warmth and congeniality.

As the games drew to a close our adrenaline filled bodies left the stadium. Hearts pounding, cheeks red with excitement. The train carriages were brimming with conversations about the days games. Strangers chatting like old friends. It was without doubt that these games have brought out the best of everyone; courtesy, charm and a dollop of good humour thrown in for good measure!

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