A MUCH-valued school hedge can now begin to grow back after several volunteers put in hours of hard work in Holtspur

A large section of a hedge at Holtspur School was mistakenly cut down in October last year by L&Q housing association – meaning a new secure fence had to be installed (see related links).

But before the new fence could go in about 70 metres of old fencing had to be untangled and removed from within the thorny hedgerow.

With just 48 hours to complete the work, town councillor Matt Denyer enlisted the help of Stephen Ryan, a garden designer from Knotty Green.

On Saturday last week he joined headteacher Bronwen Zeun, Cllr Geoff Grover and a willing band of governors, staff and parents to remove the old chain link fence.

The whole group were sporting a mass of cuts and scratches by the end and Mrs Zeun said: "I knew I could rely on our hard-working school community and everyone has been brilliant, including our councillors."

"But I think it’s absolutely wonderful that a total stranger [Mr Ryan] is also willing to work so hard for us. We feel we have found a new friend."