A SECOND plan to turn a failed pub into homes has been met with a flood of objections this week.

Developers want to transform the Plough in Little Marlow Road into six apartments.

Marlow the Plough Ltd withdrew a larger plan earlier this year for seven two bedroom flats and bosses say they have done everything possible to satisfy concerns.

But angry neighbours are dismayed about potential car parking problems and fear the disruption when the building is bulldozed.

Thirteen residents living in surrounding roads have attached their names to a letter of objection.

It says despite the reduction in the number of flats the building "is too big a footprint for such a small space, together with inadequate parking facilities".

The householders wrote: "There are already huge problems with parking on the green verges estate and this will only exacerbate the problem.

"The work in demolishing the pub to erect a three storey block of flats will cause huge disruption on an already very busy road.

"Where will the lorries, skips, debris and building materials needed to build the development go?"

Mr and Mrs Smith, of Herons Place, wrote to council planners separately to complain the proposal would be over development.

However, Tony Peperell and his wife, who live in Glade End, wrote to say the plan would improve the east side of Marlow and Marlow Town Council have no objections.

Various factors were cited for the demise of the pub, including fierce competition from supermarkets, offering extremely cheap alcohol. The site has been blighted by anti-social behaviour and rising costs were also blamed.

The Plough Marlow Ltd said in a statement: "We have worked very hard to improve scheme taking into account all comments made on first application. The new application is a quality design that aspires to meet the needs of all.

"The revised building is of smaller scale in keeping with local area and offers additional parking and amenity benefits."

The firm added it was pleased with the town council's stance.

A decision by planning authority Wycombe District Council is expected before October.