Name and age: Clive and Elizabeth Lewis, 65 and 63,

From: High Wycombe

Pub : The Junction, London Road, Wycombe Marsh

How long have you been coming here?  Shortly after it opened about a year ago.

Why do you come to this pub? We come here every Saturday in the early evening just for a couple of drinks. It’s the atmosphere, the fact it is a little quieter then some of the other pubs at this time of night, it gets much busier. It’s a very nice pub, there’s no pressure on you to buy food, we’ve got to know the landlord and we feel very welcome.

Where do you usually sit? We always sit on the leather sofa by the door, I don’t know why, other than the fact it’s a comfortable seat but we just ended up sitting here and have stayed here.

What do you drink? Clive: I drink London Pride. Elizabeth: I drink wine, never white wine though.

What’s been the most memorable thing to have happened here? We came here one evening and they were setting up for an 18th or 21st birthday party, the [birthday group] arrived and the landlord burst in with the balloons and the music and everything, it was quite amusing. It’s a nice place.

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