I find it hard to understand Adrian Waters’ argument (BFP, August 3) that MP Steve Baker should unthinkingly follow the party line once elected to Parliament.

On the subject of House of Lords reform, what the 2010 Conservative Manifesto said was “We will work to build a consensus for a mainly-elected second chamber” but no specific proposals were included in the manifesto for us to vote for (or against). Thus, discretion must surely be allowed to MPs to interpret the wishes of their constituents and use their best judgement on the detailed proposals brought forward by the Government.

If this were not the case, we might as well not have MPs at all.

We could be asked to vote to Messrs Cameron, Clegg and Milliband and then let the winner have carte-blanche to do as they please until the next election!

James Cadle, Fox Lane, Holmer Green