We don’t need Wycombe District Council! I am pleased to see the issue of a Town Council for High Wycombe has been raised again (BFP comment, August 3.) The fact remains that High Wycombe is Buckinghamshire’s largest town and unlike Marlow, Princes Risborough and Aylesbury does not have its own town council. In addition, all our surrounding villages have parish councils in High Wycombe we have a Town Committee that has no powers and the behaviour of Wycombe District Council’s cabinet recently has shown that High Wycombe unparished wards have no real decision making ability.

The current administration of Wycombe District council will say we don’t need a town council as it will increase costs. The reality is we don’t need Wycombe District Council running the affairs of High Wycombe Town.

We need a unitary authority to reduce overall the number of councillors in Bucks and to avoid the duplication and waste under the Tories’ current three tier system. We need a two tier system across Bucks of unitary council and town/parish councils.

If this is achieved then we can use the savings to reduce council tax.

However a Unitary council is a long way off.

We need to look at securing a High Wycombe Town council now. You only have to look at the surrounding towns and parishes to see the benefits they get from having a town or parish council.

It is true these councils are where true democracy can thrive because they promote true localism. Services are protected, community centres flourish, streets and areas are clean and tidy and local services are delivered.

The time has come for the people of Wycombe to come together to create a town council.

A High Wycombe Town council will be the grass roots of our local community democracy and the first tier of local government.

Unlike district/borough, or county/unitary authorities, we would be able to represent the concerns and aspirations of our community and town area.

I have asked for a meeting with Steve Baker MP to ascertain his position and support on a High Wycombe Town Council as its Government policy to move towards creating town and parish councils. I’m interested in hearing from individuals and groups that want to make a difference for the residents of High Wycombe.

The start of the process is simple and involves compiling a petition with at least 6,000 signatures which triggers off a Community Governance Review.

That review is the first step towards protecting our town’s future. If you passionately care about our town and its future contact me on trevor_snaith@wycombe.gov.uk

Cllr Trevor Snaith, Liberal Democrat Group Leader, WDC Ryemead Ward