For 335,000 of our youngsters today was a life changing day as they received their A level results.

This years boys received more A* grades than girls with 8.0% for the men compared with 7.9% for the ladies however the overall number of top grades awarded was down on previous years.

Those lucky enough to get good grades can continue their education at University but for some the long search for a job is just starting.

Is it right that we put so much on the result of a few exams which can literally be life changing?

When I say 'those lucky enough to go to University' we must think of the terrible debts they will incur thanks to the high amounts of money that have to be paid just to study.

Getting a degree may enhance job prospects but the burden of debt with be with the youngsters for years to come and ultimately they will have to find a job anyway which is a gargantuan task in itself.

For those looking for jobs the current economic climate presents a bleak outlook.

How many jobs do you see these days that just need A-Levels? Not very many.

Does having qualifications really matter anyway after all to be a top class worker you need common sense and intuition which is something that can't be taught no matter how many classes and lectures you attend.

What support is there for those who now have to look for work? Applying for jobs can be demoralising and unemployment can engulf you when rejection becomes the norm and I can tell you that from experience.

I really do feel sorry for the youngsters of today who end up in debt just to further their education especially if they don't get good grades at the end of their study.

Surely the youngsters should get their courses paid for them if they pass and only those who fail should be made to pay the full cost of their education?

We are currently punishing a generation financially just for learning.

Of course lots of youngsters will leave home to study thus adding more to the cost of their education. Surely it would make more sense if the students went to their nearest centre of education and lived at home rather then racking up more expense renting rooms and paying for food?

Why on earth does this educational circus of exam results have to happen just once a year?

Rather then putting a generation through the mincer on a certain Thursday in August surely there could be two sittings for the exams to spread the number of those looking for work through the year and give them a better chance of finding a job.

Even with a higher qualification finding a job requires patience, persistence and determination. I wonder how many youngsters will continue their studies only to end up highly qualified and stacking the shelves in a supermarket as well as being in debt for their efforts too?

Are you perhaps one of the younger generation who got their exam results today? If so perhaps you would like to share your experience with us?

What do you think?

*Don't forget to read my regular column in this Friday's edition of the printed version of the Bucks Free Press!