RECENTLY, I read a fascinating letter in BFP criticising someone who complained about the state of our roads. The letter said that a questionnaire was sent by the council to local residents asking where they wanted money spent and the suggestion was that the democratic process was therefore responsible for the potholes remaining on our roads.

On the basis that over 30% of my income goes in income tax and national insurance contributions and I pay 20% VAT on the majority of purchases plus duty on fuel, council tax and various other taxes, is it that unreasonable to expect respectable roads, decent pensions, medical and dental treatment and equal opportunities for a good education? The latest news that there are over 10,000 fewer police offers on the streets since the last election adds to my concern.

What is necessary is that more people need to question the integrity and ability of those who govern us in order for us to get value for money services.

Colin Helps, Hazlemere