RE: Letters in the January 6 edition headlined ‘Climate change is natural’ and ‘old bulbs are brilliant’.

FROM the look of BFP’s first letters column 2012, readers look set to continue sailing along solo, making sense of climate reality unaided by our local paper. Apart from Eric Alexander single-handedly holding the world to honest account that is [he accused a climate change sceptic of living in ‘a cocoon’].

But that’s ok. Humans are not stupid, and globally the 99% are fast disentangling the destructive deceptions that the 1% have been ‘selling’… along with all the fossil fuel. We are joining the dots, and starting to embrace a brave new world, post carbon energy consumption fest.

Talking of consumption fests, my daughters always love The Grinch at Christmas. Dr Seuss was ace at sussing the big picture. My wife nudged me to revisit another of his classics ‘The Lorax’ a while ago. Like much of his work, it was probably written for adults. First published in 1971, we all have much catching up to do.

Please read ‘The Lorax’ this year, if you will, because: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” (Dr Seuss) Hopefully readers will hold a steady course this year, despite the constant buffeting ‘wind’ from increasingly desperate science deniers. I very much doubt the silent majority is fooled by the vocal few – our local ‘burning fossil fuel really is good for you’ letters lobby.

Will future generations of Marlovians be impressed by the coverage given to those ‘clinging on to the fossil past’? I doubt it. Let’s enter 2000 now please?

Finally, a brief word on light bulbs, and good ideas. Our kitchen enjoys clean bright light from LED light bulbs. They use 60 Watts. Total. That’s 16 of them. The electricity costs us £10 for every 1,000 hours of light.

The ‘good old’ incandescent (i.e. more heat than light, like some correspondents) bulbs – which we are told can still be obtained via local ‘entrepreneurs’ – gulp down the same £10 of juice – every 80 hours.

Brilliance? Not.

Dave Hampton, Hyde Green, Marlow