ISLAM has many acts which Muslims believe bring us closer to God. These include such things as prayer, fasting and charity which are all pillars of the faith.

In addition to these there are other acts which also show our devotion to God. They may not be in the same category as the pillars but are very important to Muslims.

This may include such things as the Burka which is seen by them as an act of modesty.

People who wear the burka take the example of the family of the Prophet Muhammed as well as verses of the Quran and various Prophetic statements and there has never been a problem with this historically.

In fact women in Europe were also completely covered until the last century. However, in recent times and climate the burka has become an issue.

The veil has taken on various forms in the religious heritage of Jewish, Christian and Muslim civilizations throughout history.

Muslim women started wearing the veil after revelation in the Quran.

Some women at that time used to dress exposing the attractive parts of their bodies which would invite the gazes of men.

We must also remember that we live in a secular society where all dress codes are acceptable.

This even includes wearing very little or almost nothing when on a beach.

So it is very difficult to understand why the burka is an issue in particular.

Those who don’t believe in Islam cannot be expected to explain the Muslim point of view, especially a point of view they may not agree with.

Those who wear the burka or choose to cover their head and face do not accept it is just a cultural thing, they have their textual proofs and interpretations and believe it to be a part of their faith and that needs to be respected.

Zahid Jawed, The Wycombe Islamic Society, St Marks Close, High Wycombe