LIVE internet broadcasts showing meetings at Buckinghamshire County Council have begun.

The first webcast featured The Budget Scrutiny Challenge Group on Monday.

It marks the start of a year long trial, costing £18,628, aimed at increasing public awareness and transparency of council decision-making.

The price includes installing dedicated cameras in the meeting rooms.

Meetings are recorded and can be viewed afterwards as well.

Cllr David Shakespeare, the former Leader and now chairman of the Budget Scrutiny Group, said: "I'm pleased and really excited to have been involved in the first meetings broadcast live.

“Webcasting is going to open up local democracy in Buckinghamshire to a much wider and more diverse audience than ever before.

"We are committed to meeting residents’ needs and being open and transparent about our decision-making processes.

“Opening up council meetings for anyone to view online at any time is a really powerful way of achieving that.”

Visit the webcast portal via the link below.