THE Conservative Party has suspended the membership of a Tory councillor who tweeted that the Government "may as well legalise marriage with animals" in response to David Cameron's support of gay marriages.

James Malliff, Wycombe District Councillor for Hazlemere South, has since apologised, saying his comments on a social networking site were misconstrued - but still faced calls to resign as a cabinet member from an outraged constituent.

And senior Tories confirmed this afternoon that his membership has been suspended while an investigation is carried out.

Cllr Malliff wrote on Twitter: "There is no doubt the PM is wrong on this issue. We may as well legalise marriage with animals, crude I concede but no apology."

The post was in response to an article by former Wycombe MP Paul Goodman who asked if gay marriage was recognised whether it would lead to multiple marriages being legalised.

Linda Derrick, 62, from Widmer End said she was disgusted after she read the Tweet as she felt the councillor, who is a cabinet member for big society and localism, was comparing her 28-year-old son, Tom, who is gay, to animals.

She said: "To liken him to an animal - I thought was just disgusting. He was actually calling my son an animal and what's worse is he is a councillor and a councillor who is responsible for the big society.

"How can he be promoting the big society when he thinks about one tenth of the population are animals and shouldn't be marrying?"

She said as a councillor in a position of responsibility he should not be making comments like this and he should resign as cabinet member.

Cllr Malliff said the Tweet was misconstrued and he took it down as soon as someone told him people could read it differently.

He said his point was if gay marriage is legalised there are a lot of other "variations of the theme" and he was responding to an article by Mr Goodman.

Mr Goodman, who now works as a writer on a Conservative website, said: "The article didn't say what James has said and it is not my view."

Cllr Malliff said he acknowledged it was a crude analogy and apologised if he caused any offence.

The councillor, who is a Christian, added: "I would do anything to protect the sanctity of marriage. I think it is a really important point.

"I think we have civil partnership and I think they are right and proper to protect the interests of a partner in that instance but marriage is a religious ceremony.

"My understanding of teachings is that marriage is between a man and a woman. It is a religious thing."

He said there is a distinct difference between a civil and religious ceremony.

Cllr Malliff said he would not be resigning as cabinet member. He telephoned Dr Derrick, who has a Phd in Chemistry, and apologised.

She said she appreciated the call but she said anyone who read the Tweet would read it as him comparing gay people to animals.

Dr Derrick is an active Labour supporter and stood as a candidate in the local elections in Sands.

But she said: "I am an active Labour supporter but this is personal. It is extraordinarily uncomfortable to expose yourself like this and I would only do it if I felt absolutely offended by this behaviour."

She added: "It is not the behaviour you expect from a councillor. It is just plain unacceptable."

Sue Hynard, secretary and agent at Wycombe Conservative Association, said: "Earlier this morning, the officers of Wycombe Conservative Association made the decision to suspend James Malliff’s membership of the Conservative Party, pending a local investigation into his comments on Twitter on October, 6 2011.

"Mr Malliff has been informed of this decision."