WE ARE in constant danger of being over developed.Those who live in the area are constantly up-grading or adding to already expensive homes. With the government insisting that thousands of new homes are to be built in the south east, there are fears for the green belt. Developers are anxious to build as many houses as possible on every available site.

Airways Housing Association wants to build four, two bedroom, semi-detached houses and four one bedroom flats with a new access road onto Whiteladyes Lane in Cookham Rise.There would be ancillary parking and landscaping at the pumping station in Whiteladyes Lane. An informal hearing into an appeal by the developers against planning refusal will taken place at the Astor Suite Bar in Maidenhead Town Hall at 10am on Wednesday, October 26.

Amcrest Developments have appealed against planning refusal for an outline plan to build eight two bedroom and two three bedroom apartments with access to Maidenhead Road. This would involve the demolition of three houses on land at Newgarth, Rotherson and Little Fawley in Maidenhead Road.The appeal will be decided on the basis of written representations and a site inspection. Additional comments must be forwarded to the Inspector by \Monday, October 31.

An appeal was dismissed for the construction of a detached double garage at Dawn Chorus in Poundfield Lane.

FUNDING is being requested by the Parish Council from the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to buy new adventure playground equipment for the play area in the Alfred Major Recreation Ground. This equipment is designed for older children who are too big to use the more traditional equipment such as the slide and roundabout which is there at present.

It is hoped that the council could fund the project using money available from contributions made by developers.The total cost of the equipment would be around £16k.The new equipment would be designed for children between ten and 12 years.

SLOUGH REFUGEE SUPPORT scheme has thanked those at Holy Trinity Church for their generosity in donating dried and tinned foods for the harvest festival. It took three cars to transport all the gifts and goodies to Slough. There will be a service of wholeness and healing on Monday at 7.30pm in church.

ANNUAL QUIZ for Amnesty International takes place tonight in Pinder Hall at 7.45pm. Tickets at £8.50 include supper.

JUMBLE SALE organised by Cookham Dean Primary School is tomorrow in the Bigfrith Lane school hall. Donations can be left at the school this evening between 5pm and 8pm.

ON THURSDAY the Ladies Group meet in the Parish Centre at 8pm and they will hear more about "The River Thames".

AGM of Elizabeth House Day Centre will be in November when some of the committee will be standing down and a new leader will be appointed.The centre is now celebrating its silver jubilee.

There is a sale on Saturday, October 15 at 11am. This is a popular drop in for senior citizens who can enjoy all sorts of activities and a lunch.