NEARLY NEW sale of childrens clothes takes place tomorrow at the Methodist pre-school from 2.30pm to 4pm.

FOOTBALL team meets a challenge from Wendover tomorrow with kick-off at 2.30pm. Go along and cheer them on at the sports centre in Watchet Lane.

AUTUMN FAIR organised by the Lantern Club takes place tomorrow at 10am in the Rossetti Hall on New Pond Road.

There will be crafts, preserves, cakes, tombola and a raffle. This is an important fund raiser for the club so it needs your support.

HELP IS NEEDED to organise next year's village fete which will be in aid of the refurbishments to the village hall. Give Alan Bristow a ring on 01494 868978 if you have any idea or any spare time.

HARVEST SUPPER organised by the Gardening Club takes place in the village hall tomorrow at 6.30pm.

SUNDAY at 3pm is a memorial and thanksgiving service at Christ Church, followed by refreshment in the church centre.

ROSSETTI HALL committee, which meets four times a year, is in need of more members. Two of the members have given service for at least 20 years so they will help any new members. Some new blood from existing users would be appreciated.

Give me a ring if you could help.

AGM of the RBL womens section takes place at the legion on Tuesday at 2.30pm.

LIBRARY VAN visits the village centre at 10.40am on Wednesday.

JIM TANNER, Community News correspondent for High Wycombe, talks to the Womens Fellowship on Thursday at the Baptist Church. He will talk about his year as Mayor of High Wycombe.

LAST WEEK I gave the wrong number to book the village hall. It should have been 0870 765 6450.

COACH TRIP to see the military tattoo 60th anniversary show is being organised by the RBL for Sunday, November 27.

Tickets need to be purchased this week so contact John Wilkins on 01494 481394, or at the bar.