FUNERAL SERVICE for Peter Burgess, who died last month at the age of 93, was held at St Mary's and was conducted by the Rev John Race. Mr Burgess, who served with the Malay customs office and was, with his wife Joyce, interned by the Japanese for over three years, had been an active member of the community. He cultivated an allotment and also was a governor of the County First School where he often listened to children reading education was a subject dear to him. A graduate of Clare College Cambridge (and he was delighted when his grandson became a student there), he never forgot his early education at Christ's Hospital school to which he became a benefactor. He leaves his wife, two daughters, a son and grandchildren.

HARVEST has been celebrated in the village. Last Friday at the Village Hall, Churches Together in Haddenham invited people to join in musical thanksgiving. Andy Hardy spoke about the Shoeboxes for Romania project and urged people to fill a box before the end of the month. Both the Methodist church and St Mary's have collection points.

At the Darby and Joan Club the Rev John Race gave a short address and Barbara Shaw accompanied harvest hymns. Mary Welby acknowledged a generous donation of £50 from Brian and Zoe Bowman from their book sale which will go towards a wheelchair for use by the less mobile on club outings.

SNAKEMOOR nature reserve funds have been increased by £3118 which were the proceeds from the Beer Festival. The festival was very successful again this year and the presentation was made at Snakemoor before a group of supporters who enjoyed a glass of beer and some of Christine Thorogood's refreshments.

LIBRARY NEWS another winner in the Reading Voyage scheme has been announced. Georgia Smith beat 131 other entrants. Winners in the design a fish section were: over 10 years Lizzie Hostler; six to nine years Charlotte Rumble, five years and under Isobel Grout. Well done all of you.

SUNDAY, 10am to midday at the Youth Centre, Woodways, the Promises caf, run by St Mary's church, offers free breakfast, newspapers and a chat.

At 2.30pm meet at the library for a Heart and Sole village walk of about two miles.

MONDAY at 12.30pm in St Mary's Centre is the fellowship harvest lunch. Ring Ann Warris on 01844 292273 to book.

TUESDAY from 11.30am to midday at the library is La Jolie Ronde which is French for children aged 3-5 years. Call in for the free taster session. Ring 01844 291527 to book.

THURSDAY in the Junior School at 7.45pm is the Village Society extraordinary general meeting for members to decide on future membership subs, followed at 8pm by a talk. Two sisters, Cherry-Ann Evans and Lisbeth Lloyd, will tell all about "Evacuees from London to Wingrave".