AUTUMN CONCERT in Holy Trinity Church tomorrow at 7.30pm will have an autumnal theme to tie in with Harvest Festival on Sunday. Among those performing will be Vicar Mark Mowforth and his wife Jill, pianist David Hackett, George Hadjineophytou on the mandolin and multi-talented Elspeth Chantler.

Tickets are £7 each, which includes refreshments, and can be obtained by contacting 01494 865409 or 714396 or at the door. Proceeds from the event, which is organised by the Friends of Holy Trinity, will go towards the youth worker and maintenance of the churchyard.

HARVEST FESTIVAL Services at Holy Trinity will be on Sunday at 10.30am. There is also a service of Holy Communion at 8am and Parish Eucharist at 6pm. Following the morning service, the Harvest Lunch will be held in Great Kingshill Village Hall at 12.30pm. This will include entertainment by a barbershop quartet and an auction of harvest gifts.

LUXURY GIFTS and Indulgence Evening takes place at the Infants School on Wednesday at 7pm. Entry is £3, which includes a glass of wine and canaps. You'll find handmade jewellery, leather handbags and unusual gifts for every occasion. Then you'll be able to try various treatments, creams, potions and nourishments to make you feel good. Funds raised will go to the school.

CONCESSIONARY bus passes are up for renewal and these can be obtained at the village hall next Monday from 2pm to 4pm. Cash is not accepted and cheques and postal orders should be made payable to Chiltern District Council.

IF YOU, or someone you know, enjoy reading, but are unable to get to a library, contact the Community Development Officer on 01296 382033.

She will arrange for a library visitor to choose books, videos, DVDs etc, and deliver them to you at home completely free of charge.

WEDNESDAY Walkers meet at 9.30am in Sprinters Sports Centre car park to enjoy a walk of about three to five miles along footpaths. For information ring Julia Bampton on 01494 862280.