WE ARE DESPERATE for new members to join the Friends of Guides committee. Our main task is organising and running food sales at the village fireworks. It's a lot of fun on the night and raises thousands of pounds every year to help keep Rainbows, Brownies and Guides alive and well for your children. It is not an onerous job. We meet every couple of months and make plans. So please consider joining us. For information ring Val on 01494 871362 or Sally on 01494 581725.

WHEELIE BINS and the Chiltern Waste Management Department report that all areasthe included in the kitchen waste trial should now have received their wheeled bins. There may be a few properties that still need to be delivered to but this will be completed by the middle of next week. There have been many requests from residents for the smaller bins. These exchanges will be completed during the next two weeks and residents have been informed.

Residents in the trial area should have received a letter and a leaflet regarding the introduction of the wheeled bins and notifying residents that the first collection of their green wheeled bin (for kitchen and green waste) will be on their normal collection day during the week commencing on Monday and the first collection of their black wheeled bin (for waste that cannot be recycled and composted) will be on their normal collection day during the week commencing Monday, October 10.

If there are any problems or queries please call us on 01494 732053. The lines have been busy but this is the best number to use.

JORDANS SCHOOL have an Open Afternoon on Monday when prospective parents can go along and see how the school works and take a look at the children in class. The school in Puers Lane takes children aged four to seven years. The open afternoon is from 1.30pm to 2.30pm.

VICTORIAN HARVEST FESTIVAL will take place at the Chiltern Open Air Museum on tomorrow and Sunday. Visit the Victorian buildings and farmyard to see costumed interpreters cooking the Harvest Supper, have a go at threshing the museum-grown Victorian wheat crop and make peg doll scarecrows to take home. Opening times are 10am until 5pm. Call 01494 871117 for details.