TOMORROW it's Flag Day for the Community Centre and you'll see collectors around the village during the morning.

AT THE CENTRE there's an exhibition of "Wartime Memories" with pictures and memorabilia from people who lived here through the Second World War. As you look around the displays you'll also see a very different world with more green fields and open spaces. You'll also find out that Bourne End made a vital contribution to the war effort through industry and as a convenient place for senior military personnel to make their headquarters.

At the same time you can see again the wonderful wartime backcloth created for the "Village Entertainment Day" which Forum Players staged in the spring. Created by Ric and Karen from Forum it shows London under attack.

There will be live music from "Bass-ically Saxes" from 12.30pm to 2.15pm and wartime songs to singalong with throughout the day.

Refreshments including light lunches and high teas will be available depending on when you visit. The exhibition is open from 10am to 4pm in the Centre Theatre. If you haven't been into the Community Centre now might be a good time to call in and see what's on offer. You can also enjoy a drink at the bar.

PET SERVICE takes place tomorrow afternoon at St Mark's Church at 3pm in the church garden. Everyone (and their pet) is welcome. There will be music to keep the pets peaceful.

Harvest Service at St Mark's is on Sunday followed by a bring and share lunch.

CELEBRATION CONCERT takes place at the Centre on Sunday and there might still be a few tickets left. Ring 01628 522854 or ask at Crocks and Crystal on The Parade. It's 20 years since the first concert was conducted by John Timewell, bringing together musicians who have become friends through this annual music event in Bourne End.

FLOWER CLUB members meet on Tuesday evening when Gloria Bacior presents a display called "Happiness is" at 8pm. Raffle winners take home the displays created during the evening.

CENTRE JAZZ on Tuesday at the Centre welcomes Denny Ilett and his Allstars. Denny is a superb musician and always a great attraction at these sessions. The first toot will start at 8.30pm in the bar. Entry costs £3 with a supporting raffle and interval snacks.