AN AMATEUR gardening duo from Wooburn Green are celebrating winning the best kept garden in the district for the third year in a row.

Mary and David Kingham, of Glory Close, have been awarded the Morris Challenge Cup by Wycombe District Council for winning the best kept garden in the annual Tenants Gardens Competition. Mrs and Mrs Kingham proudly claimed the title of Master Gardeners and have £100 worth of gardening vouchers to spend on plants. Other winners included Orchard House tenants in Bourne End who took the best overall sheltered garden title for their organic animal friendly garden, inspired by both VE and VJ Day 60th anniversary celebrations. The centrepiece was a begonia and lobelia raised bed, which spelt out the word "smile".

Council chairman Doug Anson presented the awards at a ceremony held at the council offices in High Wycombe on Monday, September 12.