SIXTH COOKHAM DEAN Jazz Festival survived only one day of its two day event. On Saturday a Jazz Cafe was held in the village hall and there were four bands and about 60 or 70 people enjoyed the music. On Saturday evening Cookham Dean Parish Church was full for the Gospel Concert given by the IDMC Choir from Croydon. "This was a most enjoyable event and people were soon joining in the singing and clapping", the jazz festival organiser Charles Benson told the MFP.

On Sunday torrential rain meant that the jazz programme had to be completely cancelled. It was to have been a continuous concert from four or five bands in the grounds of Cookham Dean Primary School but Charles Benson said it would have been quite impossible to have held the festival in the open air under the circumstances. Profits from the Jazz Cafe will go to the Thames Valley Hospice and from the Gospel Concert to the Cookham Dean Village Hall Refurbishment Fund. The next festival will be the year after next.

BOOK FAIR will be held on Sunday in the Pinder Hall, from 10am to 4pm. Refreshments will be available and adults pay 20p admission, children under 16 get in free.

CAR CRIME continues with several cars a week being broken into generally by smashing a rear window. The thefts occur in the High Street, Sutton Road and School Lane. Beat Officer P C Walter de Haan was dismayed when he walked down the High Street during the hot weather to find that five motorists had left their car windows open. This was an open invitation for thieves.

PLANS ARE being made for the Cookham Summer FM to be launched next year. The first meeting will be on Wednesday, September 14 at Pinder Hall, when a campaign to start this can be worked out and suggestions made about its programme.

YOUTH PROJECT is taking a break during August but on August 17 there will be half hour flights from White Waltham Aerodrome for ten youngsters aged 14-16 who have won the competition to point out what Cookham lacks for the youth of today.

From August 22-26 there will be a mobile leisure unit on the Alfred Major Recreation Ground at Cookham Rise.