WEDNESDAY WHIST DRIVE is due to take place in the upstairs room at the village hall. These popular evenings are a great chance to meet with fellow players and enjoy a chat in good company. From September the sessions will revert to twice monthly as people return from the summer break. New players are welcome to come along and join in at 7.30pm.

THE HIGH STREET had a covering of silt on Monday afternoon after a road sweeper lost part of its load. The sweeper having cleaned one side of the road then promptly lost some of its contents as it returned around 3.30pm. The mess was swiftly cleared up although it did cause a few delays to traffic along the A40 for a short while.

PARISH COUNCIL meeting will not take place during August as councillors take a well earned short break. The parish clerk Sharon Henson will be on holiday from August 9-31 and will not be able to deal with general inquiries during this period. If you have a query you want to raise please contact the clerk this week on 01494 448048 before the commencement of the annual break.