NORTH DEAN Village Fete is on tomorrow at 2pm on the playing field. It will be opened by John Rogers, who recently retired after 40 years service on the committee.

Attractions include a prize raffle, tombola, bric-a-brac stall, lace making, a hurdy-gurdy, bouncy castle, coconut shy, veteran cars, steam train, face painting, fancy dress competition, bar, teas and refreshments, golf for all and much more which is traditional for North Dean Fete.

HUGHENDEN Parish Council is aware of the feelings of local people about the proposed removal of some of the trees along the A4128 Valley Road.

Possibly a computer simulation of the area involved with some of the trees "removed" could be produced so that whatever visual impact resulted could be seen and judged by council members before any trees are actually cut down.

Road safety points raised by the Residents' Association were also discussed by the parish council.

GREAT KINGSHILL School's after school swimming club for Reception and Year Two pupils has been successful in giving water confidence to the younger children and improved swimming strokes for the older ones.

Over £100 has been raised towards an all weather surface pitch by the club.

RURAL TRUST HOUSING questionnaires will be issued to Hughenden Valley shortly.