RAMBLER'S ASSOCIATION have another of their walks tomorrow, at 2pm, from the Kingsmead Road car park and it is a walk of three miles. For details contact the leader on 01494 437089. For further details of The Ramblers Association contact Barbara Brooksbank on 01628 478816 or email at beebee@bbrooksbank17.fsnet.co.uk HIGH WYCOMBE SOCIETY are holding another shared-car visit on Sunday, August 14 and this will be a guided tour of Stonor House, chapel and park. For the departure time and details contact Mary Woodman on 01494 528106. Also tell her if you are travelling in your own car and have any spare seats, or would like a seat in someone else's car.

APOLOGIES to The High Wycombe Society for giving an incorrect day for the date of their AGM. Hopefully this did not affect attendance. The alteration was made at the typesetting stage.

BARBECUE tomorrow for the friends and members of The Trinity United Reformed Church in the gardens of Elsie and Tony Hatton, who have kindly agreed to provide an afternoon of fun starting at 2pm. Everyone is reminded to bring their own barbecue food and drinks, the salads, bread and puddings will be provided, everyone is hoping for plenty of sunshine. May I wish you all a happy time.

TOWN CENTRE SHOWCASE in Frogmoor last Saturday attracted a great deal of interest.

On show were the Thames Valley Police, carrying out cycle marking and displaying their police advice vehicle, Dial-A-Ride representatives were there with one of their new vehicles, the Fire Service brought along a large fire engine and put on a chip pan fire display, showing the wrong way and the right way to put out a fire in the kitchen. This was particularly useful and if it saves one fire it will have been worthwhile.

Face painting attracted quite a few young customers and the Neighbourhood Watch Association had a stand which attracted a great deal of interest. The gentleman on stilts had a huge crowd of excited youngsters around him all day, with lots of fascinated faces smiling up at him. He was handing out balloons from a lofty height. One little boy was so excited by this tall man that he fell sprawling on the pavement, but he didn't cry and received a balloon for being so brave.

Wycombe District Council had a stand and the Mayor of High Wycombe Cllr Liquat Ali had time to call round with his street collectors raising funds for his appeal, which is the Environmental Centre at Holywell Mead.

The weather kept fine so everyone was able to enjoy the event.