MARY PRITCHARD, Principal of Downley Lodge School of Speech and Drama, reports that her 18-year-old pupil Christopher Webster of Dinton has crowned the many successes he has had during his nine years under her tutelage by passing his Licentiate Acting exam with honour.

As a Licentiate of the Victoria College of Music and Drama he is now entitled to use the letters LVCMD(Hons) after his name having already passed his Associate Acting with Honours last March. Mrs Pritchard says that Chris is the most talented of many pupils who have passed through the school over the past 45 years and he is the first to achieve Licentiate status although many have passed the LAMDA Associate exams. He has performed professionally many times having been in "Oliver" at the Palladium, in many TV commercials and in the film "About A Boy", but has wisely chosen to go to university before making any decisions about his future.

SCHOOL NEWS: Bob Davies, head of the County Junior School thought he was going out for dinner in Oxford but his wife drove him back to school. He found himself at a surprise barbecue party organised by the PTA. Margaret Aston, Chair of Governors presented him with a hammock and garden furniture, a gift from parents, staff and governors to mark his retirement after 20 years at the school. She said it was a testament to the esteem in which he was held that about 200 people were present, including present staff and parents, former staff, past pupils and their parents and staff from other schools in the neighbourhood. No successor has yet been appointed.

ST MARY'S SCHOOL'S head teacher Jacky Rice organised a leavers service when pupils in Year Two were presented with book tokens. The service was conducted by the Rev Chris Denham and a talk was given by Francesca Flaxton, a parent. Year Two pupils have decided to spend the money they raised at their coffee morning on a friendship seat for the playground and this will be painted in bright colours. With the proceeds of a bring and buy sale pupils have planted shrubs and bulbs near the church pond - with the approval and encouragement of the parish council. They have also ordered hen ducks for the pond.

NICOLA WINDELER, head teacher of the County First School, was relieved when the school sports were held at the fourth attempt - after three cancellations due to bad weather. She reports that Wright Football have donated a trophy - to be known as the Jake Parker Memorial Trophy in memory of the keen footballer, a pupil at the school. This year it was won by Jack Aston, chosen by his classmates and teachers. Also £184 was collected for the Jake Parker Forget-me-not Fund for Leukaemia Research after the school concert "A selfish ladybird".

SUNDAY at 2.30pm meet at the library for a Heart and Sole country walk - about four miles but be prepared for muddy paths.

MONDAY and from 10.30am to midday at St.Mary's Centre there's the Age Concern Coffee Stop - this will be the last until September 5.