LIGHTHOUSE activities for children and young people have been continuing all the week at Buryfield, with more than 1,500 children taking part. The classical concert last Saturday performed by the All Souls Orchestra with soprano soloist Sarah Stroh got the week off to a good start, and tomorrow night everyone is invited to join in the Barn Dance from 7.30pm to 11pm. Tickets are £6 adults and £4 children, to include light refreshments and should be obtained in advance from St Andrews Bookshop in the High Street or the admin cabin on site.

TOY FAIR will be held at Lighthouse today, a good opportunity to pick up some good-quality secondhand toys and books, all proceeds to Lighthouse.

KRAFTY KIDS Summer Special will be held on Tuesday, August 9 at the Baptist Church from 10.30am to 11.30am. There is summer arts and crafts and messy fun for one to eight year olds.

ANY CLUBS or societies planning activities over the holiday season can contact me on the above number or by email