BINGO IN THE BAR at the Community Centre tonight starts at 8.30pm. Eyes down with Tom and Sue Petrie. These evenings are very popular so make sure you get there early.

On Saturday, October 1 Tribute Band Queen will be playing. There has been a tremendous response and there are only 80 tickets left. If you enjoy their music get your tickets fast.

You can phone Judy or Elaine on 01494 815180 GOOD NEIGHBOURS are holding a Coffee Morning at Nickson Court today from 10am to 11.30am. There will be a bring and buy sale and a cake stall.

If you want to get involved in this charitable group who offer transportation of elderly or infirm residents in the area why not come along and have a chat with one of the committee or just come along for a chat over a cuppa.

MANOR FARM Scout Group are looking for volunteers to become Scout and Cub leaders. If you are interested please telephone Les Prior, Group Scout Leader, on 01494 813171.