CRYERS HILL Methodist Church warmly invite you to share in Sunday services: 10.30am with preacher Rev Moira Peters with communion and 6pm with Michael Brittin. On Tuesday at 7.30pm the singing group meet and on Wednesday at 7.30pm the Bible study group meet.

COME ALONG and join other villagers for the Village Centre - coffee, cake and a chat - every Friday morning from 11am in the village hall. The cost is £1 and any profit will go towards the funds necessary to make the alterations required to the hall.

WHIST AND BRIDGE evenings are held at the village hall every third Friday of each month, starting at 7.30pm. Please call John Wilkinson on 01494 712826 for further details THE PARISH COUNCIL has asked the Rural Housing Trust to conduct a Housing Needs survey to establish the difficulty in finding housing in the village. High prices have forced local people to move away. The survey will establish whether there is a need for some new houses and whether there is support in the village for the parish council to pursue the project. The Trust's schemes are always for local people who cannot afford to rent or buy on the open market. They will remain in perpetuity for the use of local people. The survey can be found in the summer edition of the GKRA newsletter or contact the parish council offices in the village.

PRAYER REQUESTS from the area for our weekly prayer meeting at Cryers Hill Methodist Church are welcomed and can be given to our senior steward John Lisley on 01494 713283.