WOULD you believe that not one application has been made to fill the vacant position of parish councillor, even with so many more people not eligible with the change of boundaries?

Please call Chris Hamilton on 01494 462195 if you are interested. The post will be filled by co-option should there be no volunteer.

You can't moan about who represents you if you're not prepared to stand yourself.

APPLICATIONS are invited for small grants towards local projects which will be awarded from the funds raised at Downley Day.

Please send your request, to arrive no later than September 30, to Harvey Lyon, Secretary, Downley Day Committee, 60 Plomer Hill, Downley, High Wycombe, HP13 5LL.

PARISH COUNCIL has just been advised that the village has won two prizes in the Calor Village of the Year Competition for the Bucks County Council area.

The results are as follows: Runner-Up for the Bucks Village of the Year (Larger Community Category for populations over 3,000); Winner for the Building Community Life Award in recognition of the work and achievement involved in the new community centre with the associated new activities.

The judges felt that there was evidence of strong community spirit. The presentations of awards will be made at County Hall, Aylesbury in October.

WELCOME to Chris and Dawn, our new hosts at The Downley Donkey. The pub now offers a wide range of food plus a children's menu.

You might not want the kids to get wind of this, but there are often free lollies and ice-pops for youngsters and they have the excellent, safe and enclosed outdoor play area to run off all their excess energy.

Entertainment is very much back on the menu, too, with discos and live music evenings planned - just look out for the blackboards outside the pub for news of when.

Do pop in for a warm welcome, by yourself, with friends or as a family, and see the lovely new pale wood bar, it looks great. You can check out the web site which is on www.downleydonkeypub.co.uk THANK YOU to everyone for responding to my plea for news - next week's copy is already halfway there with your contributions and it's much appreciated.

LASTLY, don't forget the re-launch of the Coffee Stop, the Old School Community Centre, School Close, on Monday.

Everybody is welcome for excellent refreshments and wonderful company from 10am to midday with all sorts of extras for one week only to celebrate the move to the larger room.