CITIZENS ADVICE SERVICE is one of the UK's largest voluntary organisations, as well as one of the best known: 95 per cent of people have heard of the organisation and nearly half have used a Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) at some time.

Last year the service dealt with nearly six million new problems with the bureau delivering high quality advice and information on just about everything from consumer problems to benefit issues to housing, employment and legal matters.

Advice is free, confidential, impartial and available to everyone.

Chesham CAB wants to raise awareness of the work they do and how their advisers can help people. The CAB needs help from people who can give some of their time to volunteer and help others.

If you would like to know how to help call the CAB on 01494 784279 or call its national volunteer hotline 08451 264264.

THE PIONEERS were so-called because they were the first club for blind bowlers in the county.

It all started when the National Championships for blind bowlers was featured on a TV news programme. My late cousin Terry Howard and I were looking for new things to do and decided that bowls would be a good idea. Terry's wife May was already a member of Chesham Bowls Club and approached the committee on our behalf.

At that time Ken Kenny, who had been a county player and coach, was looking for a project to help blind people. He had suffered a stroke which had temporarily deprived him of his sight. Hence his wish to help.

He contacted the English National Association of Visually Impaired Bowlers to ascertain how to teach us to bowl. He found another four interested people and the club was formed in 1989.

Ken also helped the Wolverton Moles Club and subsequently helped in the formation of the Wycombe Chestnuts and Aylesbury Rollers.

Since Ken died seven years ago the Pioneers have held a tournament for a trophy in his name for which other Bucks clubs plus the Hillingdon Bobcats compete.

The Pioneers play matches against both sighted and blind bowlers. In winter matches are held indoors at the White Hill Centre.

With the support of their band of sighted helpers the club hopes to continue for many years to come.

For more information about the Chesham Pioneers Blind Bowlers Club, phone 01494 775923.