I RECENTLY attended a meeting where we were warned against credit card fraud and the latest fashion in this type of crime - copying details of letters soliciting your membership to another credit card or bank or to apply for loans or mortgages. It is a well founded fact that certain people are quite happy to go through your rubbish to find any details about you that they can use for themselves. In other words, you provide a free bank account for somebody with a criminal mind.

I feel that it is really unfair to ask us to constantly rip up letters like this in order to destroy our details and that in fact those companies who are soliciting for customers who make it possible for the criminal element to apply for one of these services in a name that is not theirs and a free bank account, should be held accountable for any problems arising from their solicitations.

What do you think? I don't ask for these letters and therefore I don't want the added burden and responsibility for them.

I would love to hear your point of view so let me know.