TOMORROW is one of the highlights of the river calendar. It's the Bounty Raft Race and Fun Day. If you cross the river you won't be able to miss the Bounty with all the bunting and balloons. From midday there's lots of fun then races through the afternoon will involve a huge range of different boat designs, some by the guy who designed the Titanic. Crew members will be decked out in costume and most of them will get wet. From 6pm there's a jazz band, karaoke, the famous Lift the Anchor competition, a barbecue, raffle and lots more. Everyone is welcome to a great day out on the river.

If you just want to observe the best vantage point is from the public open space at the Marina.

The Marina manager would like to point out that it is a usual working day for the Marina and, as such, there will be no parking for Bounty customers. However, this is a large event for Bourne End and should there be raft teams who wish to use their facilities to load equipment for the race they ask that you contact them in advance so that arrangements can be made. Likewise, should there be any disabled people wishing to cross the river they will endeavour to assist, as in past years, prior arrangements would greatly help so please ring the Marina on 01628 522813.

PARAKEETS have moved into the top end of Blind Lane. In fact they're in the trees all around my garden. I'd heard about this flock of brightly coloured noisy birds but didn't quite believe the stories. Now I do. They're lovely even if they're very vocal. There's a flock of up to 40 and they swoop off and back. I think it might be the attraction of the sweet early apples on one of our trees.

CENTRE JAZZ on Tuesday evening welcomes Dave Sims and Clare Davis Quartet. Their reputation is top class and it's certain to be a great musical evening in the bar. Entry cost £3 to include a raffle and interval snacks.

TARGET magazine for August and September will be delivered today and supplies will be with distributors this weekend.