A SPATE of vandalism at a youth club in Hazlemere has forced leaders to spend thousands of pounds on security equipment.

Hazlemere Youth Centre, in Rose Avenue, was recently forced to close for a month after a burglary on July 2, where windows were smashed and fire extinguishers set off.

The vandals also stole ink cartridges from inside the building.

Danielle Williams, youth leader, said £3,000 worth of equipment was now being installed to tighten security.

She added: "There are a lot more safety measures. We are putting in a new security alarm and bars and shutters for the windows."

The latest break-in was preceded by several weeks of vandalism.

Mrs Williams said: "This has happened every weekend for the last couple of months. It is really disappointing."

Despite the problems, the youth centre leaders have vowed not to ban any youths who want to use the facilities.

The youth centre is open on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights, offering basketball, football, air hockey and a computer room.

On Tuesdays the centre is also used for karate lessons.

Mrs Williams said the youth centre would be open for the summer months when children are off school.

She said: "The damage is never that bad. We have not had any computers smashed or anything as serious as that. It is the minority not the majority."

At a meeting of Hazlemere Parish Council it was reported that police had regularly visited Rose Avenue recreation ground and moved on youngsters from the basketball court and play area after a fence was found damaged by a saw.

However Valerie Jones, parish clerk, believes vandalism is under control in the area.

She said: "I think there are incidents of vandalism but they tend to be fairly minor.

"I think the police do a good job in stopping it before it arrives."

If you have any information on this crime contact the police on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111