LONGWICK Pre-school continued its tradition of celebrating the summer early, by holding its annual beach party for the end of term.

Sand, swimming costumes, paddling pools and a bouncy-slide were all brought in for the occasion, which was attended by 40 children.

In true British beach tradition, there were ice-creams for the children, with hundreds and thousands, jelly and plenty of mess, while the mums sipped summer Pimms.

The party was organised by the Parent Teacher Association and school staff.

Vicky Bonner, chairman of the pre-school committee, said: "Some of the children are leaving, but we also had some of the new starters along who will join the school in September.

"It's a good chance for them to get a feel for the school. Even though the changeover happens every year, it still gets a little sad for some."

The children gave the teachers lots of presents including flowers and chocolates, to say thank you.