FOLLOWING the initial London bomb attacks a couple of weeks ago, I watched the BBC's in-depth coverage of the aftermath with some interest. Bucks is of course so near to the capital, and it was essential viewing.

The Beeb is, despite what many say, a British institution and we rely on it in broadcasting terms like our bodies do for food.

But after watching report after updated report something struck me that seems to be typical of the way we are going generally.

The BBC got out the PC handbook. No, that's got nothing to do with the term Police Constable, but more political correctness.

It happens more and more with issues that have the potential to stir up trouble in our multi-ethnic communities, and therefore can be deemed true and essential.

But something dawned on me. It sounded silly. And more than that, it stated the obvious, which sounded patronising.

This is a rough short replay of what was said in an interview between one of the BBC presenters and a reporter at the scene.

Presenter: "So Anna I couldn't remember her exact name, but you get the idea, there is an overwhelming feeling that London is a multicultural, multi-ethnic community..."

Hmmm... nice one. What does that mean exactly? We've known for ages that London is an attraction for people from all walks of life and suddenly we're getting told what we already know.

How is being told that going to help remedy the situation? It was as if they were were painting a pretty picture of London, with everyone getting on, to make the bombings easier to take. I found it insulting. To be fair to the BBC, many media outlets came out with a similar tone.

Was it necessary? Not in my opinion.

It's like they were expecting revenge attacks on Muslim communities, which let's face it, only a mad minority of criminal individuals would consider.

The vast majority of law abiding, intelligent people will know that the terrorists who did this have nothing to do with most British Muslims.

The PC handbook is indeed a double-edged sword that tells us what we already know, and can be just as patronising to minorities as it can be to us.

Did local Muslims really need to distance themselves from the bombings? They are innocent like you and me, so why should they?

We know what London is, and we know terrorists are a minority, so let's drop the PC shop please.