SPINFIELD School pupils said a special goodbye to deputy headteacher Marion Robertson, who retires this year after a career spanning 39 years.

As well as receiving gifts and signed messages on Friday, July 15, Mrs Robertson was also treated to a surprise performance from a Highland piper.

Mrs Robertson, 60, of Marlow, said: "That was fantastic. I'm originally from Nairn, near Inverness, in North-East Scotland a proper Highlander and the pipes are really important to Scots on major occasions."

Having trained and taught in Glasgow, Mrs Robertson also spent two-and-a-half years as a primary school teacher in Johannesburg, South Africa, amid the challenging atmosphere of apartheid.

She moved to Marlow Bottom in 1981, where she taught at Burford School, before moving to Spinfield, in Terrington Hill, in 1989.

Susan Hartley, headteacher of Spinfields, said: "Mrs Robertson has made an immense contribution to all the children here.

"She will be sadly missed by everybody, for her kindness, generosity and the wonderful knowledge she imparted to the school and children."

The new deputy head, Rebecca Jurd, was given a warm welcome on her visit to the school and is looking forward to joining.