A BEMUSED Amersham driver is still fighting for an apology for a parking ticket he received two years ago.

John Bennett, 82, from Village Road, Coleshill, is adamant he did not deserve the penalty notice slapped on his Rover in November, 2003.

The granddad parked his car in what he thought was a marked parking bay in the car park on King George V Road. Mr Bennett, who had never before in his life received a ticket, was told by the Chiltern District council that the space he parked in was for turning, despite a white T marking.

He was surprised when a bollard and a yellow hatched area was later placed on the area where he had parked.

The council changed tack in later correspondence, saying Mr Bennett had received the fine because his wheel was on the footpath.

The Ombudsman backed the council and said the fine did not constitute maladministration.

Mr Bennett told the Free Press: "I still feel the same, I feel indignant about it. Their attitude is completely inflexible and they refuse to give way at all."

The council maintains it has nothing to apologise for.