GIVE Me Five, an employee volunteering scheme operating within Marlow-based Morrison Construction Services, has been awarded The Big Tick from Business in the Community.

Now in its eighth year, the award recognises excellence in the field of corporate social responsibility.

The idea is simple. Employees can take up to 30 hours paid work time per year for community-related activities providing they agree to match it with equal time of their own.

Many initiatives benefit from Give me Five. Neil Hebborn, a design co-ordinator, has linked into the scheme for his regular work as leader of groups of a dozen volunteers on National Trust working holidays.

Meanwhile, John Johnson, a senior quantity surveyor also from the Marlow office in Draymans Lane, has been grateful for time off work to dedicate to Sandgate Boys and Girls Club in Hayes, Middlesex, and in particular its football team which he coaches.

Jackie McNeill, Morrison's co-ordinator for Give me Five in Marlow, said: "Many employees already do a lot of valuable work in their community and our scheme is a means to recognise and support these efforts.

"It also provides an opportunity for us to give something back to the community, our clients and neighbours. Many of the company's 750 participants find the experience personally fulfilling and, wherever possible, we try to link projects to their personal development programme.

"It is always gratifying to have your efforts acknowledged and rewarded by an external body, and hopefully this award will give a boost to those already participating in Give Me Five and encourage more employees to sign up to the scheme."