THE manager of Chancery Court Business Centre was in party mood when the business at Lincoln Road, High Wycombe, notched 15 years in the town.

Louise Prout marked the occasion with a lunchtime party for occupiers, local commercial agents and guests including Greg Fitzgerald, Chief Executive of the parent company GallifordTry plc, and Finance Director Frank Nelson.

This year has seen the highest level of occupancy for some years which Mr Nelson believes is "a good barometer for the South East economy".

Ms Prout welcomes further new business and added: "Our aim is to make the centre a great place to run a growing business, providing a friendly environment and excellent support services."

Tenant Rob Churchward of The Finance Function added: "I see Chancery Court as an integral part of our business.

"They are after all, the first point of contact with our clients and I know we can rely on their professionalism."

And Mr Churchward added: "In looking for business premises, quality, service and location were key factors in our decision. Chancery Court Business Centre came up top in all three."