A LITTLE slice of German history has come to the village of Loudwater thanks to a pharmaceutical company called Grnenthal Limited which has opened its UK office in the area.

The company is a newly-established affiliate of Grnenthal, the pioneers of penicillin, an independent, family-owned, research-based pharmaceutical company.

In 1948, it was the first German company to manufacture and market penicillin.

Today analgesics are the main focus, along with oral contraceptives and the treatment of respiratory tract diseases.

The Aston Court office at Kingsmead Business Park, London Road, was opened with a ceremony conducted by executive board member Dr Robert Koremans who presented managing director Chris Matijasevic with a cornerstone for the development from Aachen Cathedral.

The ceremony was also attended by senior managers from head office and the staff of the local affiliate (pictured).

Aachen Cathedral dates back to the time of the Emperor Charlemagne who built it.